
Deploying Django ToDo App


Deployed a Django-based ToDo app on AWS EC2, using RDS for database management and securing the app through IAM roles. Achieved scalability and cloud-based persistence for task management.

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The Django ToDo App Deployment on AWS project involves deploying a Django-based task management application to the cloud using Amazon Web Services (AWS). This project starts by configuring an EC2 instance to host the Django application, installing the necessary dependencies such as Python, Django, and a web server like Nginx or Apache. Once the environment is set up, the Django ToDo app is deployed on the EC2 instance, enabling users to create, manage, and track their tasks in a cloud environment.

To provide persistent data storage, the project integrates Amazon RDS, using a managed PostgreSQL or MySQL database to store task data securely. This ensures the app can handle multiple users and large amounts of data while maintaining high performance. An S3 bucket can also be used for storing static files such as images or media associated with tasks, making the application scalable and efficient.

The deployment process includes setting up security protocols, such as IAM roles for secure access to AWS resources, and configuring the EC2 instance’s firewall settings. By using AWS services, the project takes advantage of AWS’s scalability, allowing the Django app to grow and accommodate more users. This deployment serves as a real-world example of using cloud services to host and manage web applications effectively.